Business Code of Conduct
Synetic Life Sciences is an independent company providing consulting services to the Life Sciences industry. We operate across the GxP and Commercial spectrum with a focus on the development and commercialisation areas of the value chain.
Synetic Life Sciences core team is based in UK and USA, supplemented by a global network of proven technicians and Consulting Partner Subject Matter Experts.
​This Business Code of Conduct (BCoC) sets out the standards of business conduct to which Synetic Life Sciences operates and expects its personnel to act.
Alliance Partner
Third Party company contractually organised to work with Synetic Life Sciences in a supportive, mutually beneficial manner and specifically to access expertise and reputation.
Colleagues, employees directly remunerated by Synetic Life Sciences (not Suppliers, Consulting Partners or Alliance Partners).
Subject Matter Expert.
Synetic Life Sciences Consulting Partners
Individuals operating within supplier companies or as freelancers who are also members of the Synetic Life Sciences distributed network of SMEs.
A party that supplies goods or services to Synetic Life Sciences.
Synetic Life Sciences conducts risk assessment internally and on its Suppliers / Alliance Partners at least every two years to maintain the currency of its own and its Suppliers’ / Alliance Partners’ arrangements. Assessment includes any changes to business operations, legislation or industry standards, client requirements, breach monitoring.
​Synetic Life Sciences aims to include all the obligations expected of and guidance needed by its Suppliers / Alliance Partners within four core documents:
Supplier Code of Conduct
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (Synetic Life Sciences or mutual)
Supplier / Alliance Partner contract
Work Order(s).
​Suppliers and/or Alliance Partners:
Synetic Life Sciences applies due diligence in its selection of Suppliers and Alliance Partners. This includes confirmation of conformance with the Synetic Life Sciences SCoC.
Suppliers/ Alliance Partners who sub contract are expected to have in place an SCoC equivalent and/or acceptable to the Synetic Life Sciences SCoC.
Alliance Partners will have goals congruent with and capabilities complementary to those of Synetic Life Sciences.
Synetic Life Sciences will:
Neither take part in nor tolerate corruption, bribery or malfeasance and report any such that comes to their attention. Bribery includes both the receipt and offering of a bribe in all its forms
Apply fair competition and compliance with anti-trust legislation
Respect data privacy and intellectual property
Have a process for their personnel, suppliers and partners to raise concerns without reprisal and for concerns to be addressed[1].
Synetic Life Sciences will:
Deploy resources appropriately qualified, trained and experienced for the work they perform
Provide its resources access to Synetic Life Sciences SOPs, policies or guidance documents, as appropriate, for any program delivery
Expect resources to undertake training in Synetic Life Sciences methodologies and tools, as appropriate, for any operational administration and program delivery.
Synetic Life Sciences will:
Not use involuntary or under-age labour[2]
Not discriminate in recruitment, deployment and development of staff
Apply fair treatment in workplace e.g. address bullying
Provide adequate working conditions, payments and benefits
Allow freedom of association for personnel
Provide a safe working environment, proper facilities and protection
Establish preparations for business continuity, proportionate to the construct and size of their operation
Not discriminate in selection of and assignments to Associates / Alliance Partners / suppliers
Apply due diligence in the selection of any Associates / Alliance Partners / suppliers.
Synetic Life Sciences will:
Behave in an environmentally responsible manner
Properly manage any waste and emissions
Encourage resource conservation and climate protection.
Information Security:
Synetic Life Sciences will:
Use industry standard software or work within Synetic Life Sciences client systems
Use software and applications which are aquired from reputable and appropriately authorised for the planned use
Maintain original licenses and proof of purchase
Operate systems that facilitate compliance with laws/regulations and manage any risks associated with service provision
Deploy and maintain IT systems fit for purpose, secure and inspection-ready
Maintain assets, such as laptops or stand-alone PCs in accordance with manufacturers’ specification
Apply controls to prevent, detect, report events and recover from malware and so minimise business disruption and data loss. This includes:
Industry standard anti-virus software
Latest supplier patches for software
Regular back-up to Synetic Life Sciences / Supplier / client repository and/or external drives
Apply passwords to all its assets holding Synetic Life Sciences or client data. Passwords must meet industry standards in terms of length, mix of characters and non-repeatability
Promptly report any IS incidents, where client deliverables are involved, to Synetic Life Sciences client.
Records Management:
Synetic Life Sciences will:
Maintain records necessary for tax and other legal obligations
Apply a records retention schedule reflecting legal, business and client requirements
If a Legal Hold comes into force, suspend any deletion project that may apply to affected records until the hold is lifted. Where a Supplier / Alliance Partner leaves the Synetic Life Sciences network, such records will be transferred to Synetic Life Sciences custody and the client informed.
Protect against loss damage, destruction or falsification all records that are subject to legal or regulatory controls
Adhere to The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Prior to the disposal of equipment, render unrecoverable any sensitive personal data and confidential data associated with Synetic Life Sciences and its client projects.
[1] Synetic Life Sciences process is covered in Dispute Resolution and Termination sections of its MSA
[2] in accordance with Section 54 of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015